A ticket to the George Washington Whiskey Rebellion Fest, brought to you by the Community Trust Foundation gets you: tastings and sales of a dozen brands of whiskey, vodka, brandy and rum including a Cumberland distiller, Maryland and Pennsylvania distillers, Chivas, and Smooth Ambler, live Colonial games, swag bags, continuous servings of fabulous food, and an open beer and wine bar.
AND! Opportunities to win dozens of fabulous items at the Silent Auction, including tickets to DelFest 2020, Rascal Flatts, Pittsburgh Pirates vs San Diego Padres, and Santana! How about tickets to Idlewild, Pittsburgh Zoo, FSU performances, Pig Out in the Park, Wing Off, Gilchrist Garden Gala, and the Marshall Tucker Band? Want to cozy up at home? Win a dinner in your home catered by Good Carma Catering, prime spirits featured at the Fest, a Brent Nelson Painting, family portraits, and so much more!
You can also get a Sober Ride home – (if you need it!)
Friday June 7, 6-10pm, Allegany Museum, 3 Pershing St Cumberland MD.
Only $50 per ticket! ($75 at the door). Purchase through the Whiskey Rebellion Facebook page, at www.whiskeyrebellioncumberland.com, or purchase at the Book Center, Cumberland, or Main St Books, Frostburg.
All proceeds go to keeping Allegany Museum open and telling the great stories of our region.